Don’t miss this article about how women can avoid problems and diseases on their private parts and keep their vagina healthy!
Did you know that many unpleasant things (cysts, fungus, infections, infertility) that occur on the sexual organs happen because of our way of life? Many problems could be prevented if you only changed your life style a little bit. Let’s take it one step at a time.
For a healthy vagina, do away with thongs and trousers that are too tight!
Everyone knows that thongs are bad for your health. If you give up wearing thongs every day, you can also avoid cysts on your private parts. A thong irritates the skin and causes infections in the area of the Bartolini glands, which are situated left and right (on both sides) of the vagina. The Bartolini gland is the one responsible for keeping the vagina moist. A thong also transmits bacteria much more than regular underwear and these bacteria can cause a big and painful abscess (a localised collection of pus) on your sexual organs. If you can’t and don’t want to give up your thongs, at least wear the cotton variety and choose the ones that are large enough. Thongs that are too tight and eat into your skin do the most damage because they cause small abrasions, which are perfect for the procreation of bacteria. You should also avoid trousers that are too tight. We sweat more in them and the stuffy environment encourages the growth of fungi. Give your most sensitive areas a bit more space and comfort!
For a healthy vagina use lubricant more often than saliva
Researchers at the University of Michigan have proven that fungal infections are more frequent with women whose partners satisfy them orally in most cases. This definitely doesn’t mean that you should give up oral intercourse, but it would be a good idea to use a lubricant instead of saliva when purposefully moistening the vagina.
Quit smoking to keep a healthy vagina
Women who smoke are twice as likely to come down with bacterial vaginosis. Smoking destroys the natural protection of the vagina, which enables the bacteria there to procreate freely. Bacterial vaginosis can also cause infertility if not correctly treated. Alcohol can also have more harmful than positive effects on sexuality. It can make the vagina dry, which makes sexuality uncomfortable or even painful. Friction in a dry vagina can even cause small tears, which makes the vagina much less resilient against various infections.
Make sure your vagina is healthy, but do not go overboard!
Taking care of hygiene is of key importance, but more and more experts advise that it’s recommendable to wash the vagina with nothing but water because aggressive soaps disrupt the natural pH balance of the vagina. You won’t be doing yourself any great favors if you wash before and after intercourse, or even three times a day. This would wash away the natural protection of the vagina. You also have to be careful that you wipe your vagina after washing or going to the toilet in the direction from the vagina to the bottom and not the other way round because harmful bacteria could be transmitted otherwise.
For a healthy vagina pee after sexual intercourse
Does it sound unusual? Certainly not. Experts claim that urine washes away the bacteria which might have gotten into the vagina during intercourse. The chance of various infections is thus greatly reduced.
For a healthy vagina be careful even during anal intercourse
If you and your partner love anal intercourse, always be careful that the penis, vibrator or the finger doesn’t wander into the vagina after anal intercourse before you had a chance to take care of your hygiene. Bacteria from the anus could thus be transmitted. Cleaning your sexual accessories will save you from many other vaginal problems in any case.