Photos 100% same as person!!! 拥有超过10年丰富经验的专业中医按摩师,现在也是好多学生的培训老师,疏解你全身酸痛和疲累!!! 小艺 is a Master Level Professional Qualified Masseuse who has more than 10 over years massage experience, trained in both Chinese Medical and Thai Authentic Massage. This is her first time on our island and I believe we are fortunate that she is here to help all bros to cure all our bodyache with her chinese medical massage knowledge and skills. She is hardworking, has amazing strength, stamina and skills to give you the most powerful and relaxing massage you ever come across. Her full body massage covers almost every part of your body with no short cut at all, fully genuine authentic professional massage. She is also trained in doing Manhood Therapy which will help to improve the stamina of your sexual intercourse. Lastly, she will also provide a little happy ending for you to enjoyed. So what are you waiting for, Massage Lover you shouldn’t miss it, call her NOW!!!
你的希望来了,小艺能够帮到你:颈椎病治疗 / 冰火前列腺保养治疗
你的希望来了,小艺能够帮到你:颈椎病治疗 / 冰火前列腺保养治疗
Added New Service (新增服务): Capped BJ (戴套口交)

Therapy On Cervical Spondylosis (治疗颈椎突出症)
✪ 很多人抱怨整天对着电脑搞得自己颈椎都突出来了,很是苦恼。脖子疼、头痛、胳膊后背酸痛、头晕的现象。
✪ 颈椎间盘突出症指颈部椎间盘因急性或反复轻微损伤使其纤维环破损、髓核膨出压迫颈神经和脊髓而引起一系列症状者。
✪ 中医推拿按摩法。中医文化博大精深,有很多的方法都能很好的改善身体各个部位的不适并起到很好效果的方法。推拿按摩、针灸等方法都能对颈椎突出起到很好的效果。
✪ 颈椎间盘突出症指颈部椎间盘因急性或反复轻微损伤使其纤维环破损、髓核膨出压迫颈神经和脊髓而引起一系列症状者。
✪ 中医推拿按摩法。中医文化博大精深,有很多的方法都能很好的改善身体各个部位的不适并起到很好效果的方法。推拿按摩、针灸等方法都能对颈椎突出起到很好的效果。
Ice-Fire JuaGen Techniques (冰火抓根保健理疗)
✪ 帮助你解决勃起的问题,增加勃起的硬度,和延长爱爱的时间,让你恢复男人的自信。

Her Professional Massage Certificate

Click here for 小艺 contact
Location: Geylang (芽笼)
Bio Data
Name: 小艺 (Xiao Yi)
Age: 28
Looks: Refer to pictures
Height: 1.62m
Weight: 50kg
Boobs: 36’C’ (Natural)
Service Provided
☑ Upper Body Autoroam: [上半身触摸] ☑
☑ Head Massage (头部按摩): [指压百会穴,三叉神经,太阳穴。有效改善头痛,头晕,失眠,神经不振] ☑
☑ Neck/Shoulder/Butt Massage (颈部/肩部/臀部按摩): [用指压和经络推拿来帮你放松全身的肌肉] ☑
☑ Full Body Acupressure Massage: [全身指压穴位按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Oil Massage (全身经络推油推拿): [用精油来经络推松,搓热,感觉全身轻松,温热。背上的毛孔就会打开,暖解肩膀,腰背酸痛] ☑
☑ Lymphatic Drainage Massage (精油开背,全身淋巴排毒): [帮助血液循环,调解血液阻塞] ☑
☑ Digesting Healthcare Massage (腹部排毒): [通过按压腹中,神阔穴位,改善腹部饱胀,然后推揉,可以排废气,肠胃畅通。最后搓热,抓揉,达到腹部减肥效 果] ☑
☑ Back Kneeling/Back Stepping (跪背/踩背): [借用身体的重量来帮你松开紧绷的骨] ☑
☑ Coin Guasha: [硬币刮痧] ☑
☑ Cupping Therapy: [拔火罐] ☑
☑ HDLY: [海底捞月] ☑
☑ JG/Ice-Fire Prostrate Maintenace (抓根/冰火前列腺保养): [通过搓,揉,按,压会阴穴,可以促进血液循环,排毒,增强性功能] ☑
☑ Capped BJ (戴套口交): [感受你的弟弟被她的含在嘴里的感觉,超爽] ☑
☑ HJ (打飞机): Very sensual, you will shoot in no time. ☑
✖ Strictly NOT Allowed: FJ NOT ALLOWED, and service not listed here, so please respect her!!! Other Intimacy depends on your chemistry with her!!! ✖
Bio Data
Name: 小艺 (Xiao Yi)
Age: 28
Looks: Refer to pictures
Height: 1.62m
Weight: 50kg
Boobs: 36’C’ (Natural)
Service Provided
☑ Upper Body Autoroam: [上半身触摸] ☑
☑ Head Massage (头部按摩): [指压百会穴,三叉神经,太阳穴。有效改善头痛,头晕,失眠,神经不振] ☑
☑ Neck/Shoulder/Butt Massage (颈部/肩部/臀部按摩): [用指压和经络推拿来帮你放松全身的肌肉] ☑
☑ Full Body Acupressure Massage: [全身指压穴位按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Oil Massage (全身经络推油推拿): [用精油来经络推松,搓热,感觉全身轻松,温热。背上的毛孔就会打开,暖解肩膀,腰背酸痛] ☑
☑ Lymphatic Drainage Massage (精油开背,全身淋巴排毒): [帮助血液循环,调解血液阻塞] ☑
☑ Digesting Healthcare Massage (腹部排毒): [通过按压腹中,神阔穴位,改善腹部饱胀,然后推揉,可以排废气,肠胃畅通。最后搓热,抓揉,达到腹部减肥效 果] ☑
☑ Back Kneeling/Back Stepping (跪背/踩背): [借用身体的重量来帮你松开紧绷的骨] ☑
☑ Coin Guasha: [硬币刮痧] ☑
☑ Cupping Therapy: [拔火罐] ☑
☑ HDLY: [海底捞月] ☑
☑ JG/Ice-Fire Prostrate Maintenace (抓根/冰火前列腺保养): [通过搓,揉,按,压会阴穴,可以促进血液循环,排毒,增强性功能] ☑
☑ Capped BJ (戴套口交): [感受你的弟弟被她的含在嘴里的感觉,超爽] ☑
☑ HJ (打飞机): Very sensual, you will shoot in no time. ☑
✖ Strictly NOT Allowed: FJ NOT ALLOWED, and service not listed here, so please respect her!!! Other Intimacy depends on your chemistry with her!!! ✖
Damage: $90/60 mins/Full Body Massage + 2 x HJ (Room Included)
☞ Due to time constraint, do tell her what service you need, as it is impossible to finish all the service within the stipulated timing ☜
☞ Due to time constraint, do tell her what service you need, as it is impossible to finish all the service within the stipulated timing ☜
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