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Article Troubles of marriage without sex



You are in a quandary if you have sexual intercourse less than ten times a year in your marriage. Read about the most common troubles of a marriage without sex.

Marriage without sex is a great burden
Marriage without sex can be a great burden for the involved. Many times we make jokes about it, but numerous difficulties are hidden in these jokes. There are a number of causes leading to such a situation. It is good to know them, so you are able to face the difficulties and start resolving them.

Marriage without sex, Trouble no. 1:
Problems with libido. Some people have strong desires while others have less strong desires. After years of marriage (or sooner), one of the partners can feel great distress when his or her needs are not satisfied.

Marriage without sex Trouble no. 2:
Frustration turns into anger when you do not get what you want or desire. Such anger can cause that one of the partners is angry with the other, which definitely does not contribute to good sex life. A vicious circle is established, ?if you do give me what I want, I will also not give you what you want?. The consequences of such action can be deeper than merely sexual dissatisfaction.

Marriage without sex, Trouble no. 3:
Control. In a desire to change your partner?s behaviour (to sexually satisfy you), you try to control his conduct. However, you are unaware that more you want to control your partner, more you drive him or her away. Anger and distance take control and change sexual intercourse into a battlefield.

Marriage without sex, Trouble no. 4:
Confusion arises. What is going on? What has changed? Why does he or she not want me any more? What should I do to change that? How long will I be able to stand this? Questions are brought up and they open new ones, while there are illusory answers.

Marriage without sex, Trouble no. 5:
Loss of self-confidence. Mutual attraction disappears. Touching and intimate conversations are a thing of the past. Shame and the feeling of guilt take over.

Marriage without sex, Trouble no. 6:
Moral issues. You value your marriage and want to keep it, but the thought of going on without intimacy and erotica seems unbearable to you. Is the relationship too good to break it off, but still to bad to stay in it? What to do?

Marriage without sex, Trouble no. 7:
You are thinking of an adventure. How could you be with somebody who wants you? Could you do it? Would you get caught? Is this the way to save your marriage? Such thoughts can be horrible because to most people they indicate the end of their dreams, ideas and beliefs.

Marriage without sex, Trouble no. 8:
Where to seek help? With whom you discuss it? With your mother, brother, sister, friends, priest or counsellor? Would you partner join you? Do not involve your children! But you have to talk to somebody because keeping it inside is worse than the fact itself.

Marriage without sex, Trouble no. 9:
You want to find a solution. Come to the bottom of the matter. A certain degree of caution should be taken into consideration when dealing with it, as the wrong way can only strengthen the vicious circle. Are you not attracted to your partner any more or is there a more serious problem in the relationship that is manifested in sex life?

Marriage without sex, Trouble no. 10:
Fear of ending the relationship. The feeling of being lost is growing in your mind. Panic is driving you crazy.

Marriage without sex often leads to divorce:
In fact, lack of sex is the cause of all the other problems arising from that, and inability to solve them is the reason for a divorce. In sex life as well as in life in general you fall into a vicious circle that you are unaware of. Without knowing that, you do not find the way out of it. Without knowing that, you make it larger. A vicious circle can be broken by awareness. By viewing a situation from a true perspective, you can deal with it. As people often prefer to function on a subconscious level, there is no other alternative than seeing help. A third person can present a different view on a situation and help cut the Gordian knot which suffocates you and your partner.
I'm in this after 1 child. I read about stories with good sex life and the husband is a happy man. Looking at the purpose of why women are made, it is to please their husband and the husband love their wife. Unfortunately, some women just doesn't know why they exist and get married.
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